by Amsterdamwest

amsterdamwest 17 plays | All rights reserved
Bos and Lommer has its own "green route" it is a green area that starts at the Scholendriehoek, runs southward and stops at the playground. The war monument is called "The sitting woman" The pedestal is graced with part of a poem by Jan Campert, The song of the 18 corpses. The poetic verse can be (freely) translated in to: I knew starting this task that it would be one of trouble and weight, Yet the heart that could not deny to undertake such a quest is never shunned by such danger.
The people and their children living in the area were involved in the planning and redevelopment of of the park. The park was finished in 2010 and comprises a petting zoo, a centre for the neighbourhood and a playground.
The people and their children living in the area were involved in the planning and redevelopment of of the park. The park was finished in 2010 and comprises a petting zoo, a centre for the neighbourhood and a playground.