Natuur In Nederland
Natuur in Nederland is a wonderful book by Prof. Frank Berendse from the Wageningen University about the diversity in ecosystems and natural landscapes in The Netherlands.
Shoudio built and drives the apps for Natuur in Nederland @NatuurInNL, turning the chapters of the beautifully illustrated book into gps-based audiowalks.
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Instant Updates
The Natuur in Nederland-app was initially released with 7 audioguides.
Using Shoudio as the CMS, the authors of the guides can instantly add new audioguides to the apps and modify existing guides too. All via the convenient Shoudio web interface.
Offline Works!
Users of the Natuur in Nederland apps can select audioguides they want to walk/cycle/sail and download them via wifi or 3G.
All content: maps, images, routes and audio is stored locally on their device, enabling offline usage with GPS!
Insights & Analytics
By using Shoudio as CMS for the location based audio walks, combined with whitelabbeled apps, the publishers can find anonymized stats about the apps usage, most popular audioguides and where the guides are used and how often.
This is a co-production with Wageningen University, Alterra, Meeuwsen Natuurgeluiden, MyTotem and X-Hoogte.